Anew Page 6
She wanted Gabriel to kiss her.
She wanted it more than anything.
He turned to face her with his cute dimples and Scarlet looked up at him, excitement bubbling inside her as she smiled.
He leaned down and slowly pressed his lips to hers.
Soft and full, they laid against her mouth, sending warmth and butterflies into her stomach as she kissed him back.
Everything about him…they way he smelled, the way he tasted…the way he placed his big hands on her hips and his fingers against her back….everything was wonderful.
Somewhere far away music was playing and confetti continued to fall, a piece landing gently on Scarlet’s nose.
She kept her hands on his strong shoulders and leaned up on her tiptoes to meet his mouth more fully. She wanted more.
Even with her eyes closed, Scarlet could see fireworks.
And they were magical.
The Kissing Festival: Best. Idea. Ever.
The next morning, Tristan rinsed blood off the ancient dagger as he tried to control the rage and fear curling inside him.
So much for magical voodoo.
He would have to try again.
Gabriel, whistling Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, entered the kitchen.
As annoying as Gabriel and his incessant good moods were, sometimes Tristan wanted to be like him. To walk around life, joyful and carefree, while whistling ridiculously optimistic songs.
Tristan’s circumstances, however, didn’t really allow for nonstop happiness.
“Hey.” Gabriel entered the kitchen and eyed the watered-down blood swirling in the sink. Carefully, he asked, “So…how did it go?”
“Rough night,” was all Tristan said.
Very rough night.
“Okaaaay.” Gabriel leaned against the counter. “Did you do it? Is it over?”
“Nope.” Tristan finished wiping down the dagger and began cleaning blood out of the sink.
“What happened?”
“But there’s blood…lots and lots of blood…everywhere. How did the sucker not die?”
Tristan didn’t answer. He just kept scrubbing the sink.
Gabriel waited a moment before saying, “Fine, whatever. Be secretive.” He cleared his throat, his typical cheeriness returning. “So, I’ve decided to enroll in Avalon High.”
Tristan looked up. “What?”
Gabriel nodded. “That’s where Scarlet goes to school so I’m going to start as a senior.”
Tristan twisted his face. “And do what, exactly? Turn in homework? Join the chess club? Go to prom?” Tristan shook his head. “This isn’t a game, Gabe.”
“I know it’s not a game. That’s why I’m going to school—to be closer to Scarlet.”
Tristan rolled his eyes. While he was out swinging heavy daggers and undoing curses, Gabriel would be taking pop quizzes and gossiping in the hallways.
“I think that’s a bad idea,” Tristan said.
“Well, Scarlet seemed pleased by the notion.” Gabriel leaned against the kitchen wall and smiled, looking off to the side. “She still bites her lip when she’s nervous.”
Tristan clenched his teeth and scrubbed the sink vigorously.
He hated it when Gabriel got all smitten.
It was obnoxious.
Gabriel continued, “We went out last night. I forgot how pretty her eyes are—”
“You know what?” Tristan interrupted, looking up from the sink. “I don’t care. I don’t want to know about her eyes. Or anything else, okay?”
Gabriel raised his brows. “Wow. Someone’s in a bad mood.” He pushed back from the wall and crossed over to the kitchen counter. “You don’t want to know about Scarlet at all?”
Tristan shook his head and went back to the sink. “Nope.”
Gabriel looked confused. “You don’t want to know anything? You don’t care what she looks like or if she introduces me to her family?”
Tristan finished with the sink and tried not to throw the nearby dagger into his brother’s heart. “I don’t care if she introduces you to a leprechaun. I don’t want to hear about it. So, shut up.”
Gabriel shrugged. “Okay.”
Tristan sighed. “Did you tell her anything yet?”
“What exactly would I tell her? Guess what? I’m from your past!” Gabriel mocked a cheesy smile. “No. I’ve decided to wait until the curse is broken.”
You might be waiting a long time.
Tristan picked the blade up and walked to the den. “It would have been much more convenient for you to have decided that before you entered her life as a hunky love interest.”
Gabriel shrugged. “What’s done is done.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing, Gabe. You’re playing a dangerous game. It’s not like you have much time. You can’t just keep hanging out with her and expect her not to remember anything. It’s going to happen. Her memories are going to come back and when they do, she’s going to be pissed you lied to her. Not to mention, totally freaked out that she’s dying.” Tristan’s heart throbbed at the thought. “You should have waited until everything was fixed before meeting her. Now everything’s all screwed up.”
Gabriel trailed him down the hall to the den. “Why are you so stressed? We’ll figure it out and everything will be fine.”
“Do we?” Tristan whipped around, his green eyes meeting Gabriel’s brown ones. “I just came home with a bloody weapon and no corpse. Things aren’t going well, Gabe.”
Gabriel scrunched his face. “Don’t get all moody. It’ll work out. If your plan continues to fail, then maybe we’ll just go back to our original plan—”
“No,” Tristan said, entering the den and hanging the dagger on the wall alongside their many other weapons.
“Fine. Whatever.” Gabriel turned to leave the den, but stopped in the doorway. “You know what? I’m glad your plan’s not working out. You shouldn’t have to kill someone to save Scarlet, it’s wrong. And she would never be okay with it.”
The truth in Gabriel’s words stung Tristan, but he shrugged. “Then I guess it’s a good thing she doesn’t know.”
Gabriel shook his head and disappeared from the doorway.
Tristan blinked few times and ran a hand through his dark hair. The continual ache in his chest flared up—a constant reminder his body could only handle so much time away from Scarlet without suffering.
The sooner the curse was lifted, the sooner he would be free of his torment.
And the sooner Scarlet would be free to live.
With renewed determination, he pulled out his cell phone and called their friend, Nate. After last night’s debacle with the dagger, Tristan was having second thoughts about his plan.
Nate answered on the third ring. “What’s up, dude?”
Tristan could hear gunfire and creepy music in the background. “Are you playing video games?”
“Of course I’m playing video games. How else am I supposed to win the Major League Gaming championship?”
Tristan shook his head. “Listen, I need to know how sure you are about breaking the curse.”
“Hold on…I’ve almost killed the demon king….” Nate’s voice faded, replaced by more gunshots.
Tristan rolled his eyes.
“Take that!” Nate laughed at his game in a crazy voice. “Who’s King of the Underworld now, sucka? Okay,” Nate’s voice took back its normal tone. “The curse? Oh, I’m one hundred percent certain the fountain of youth will heal Scarlet’s heart, thereby undoing all effects of the curse. You just need to find it.”
Tristan sighed. Finding the fountain of youth was a preposterous idea. And completely out of the question. “No, I mean the other way to undo the hex. The deadly way. How sure are you about that?”
“Whoa.” Nate must have paused his video game, because the gunshots and music suddenly went dead. “You’re not honestly thinking about trying to kill—”
“Yes,” Tristan said. “But I need to know that it will actually work.”
Nate squawked, “You’re crazy.”
“I know.”
He heard Nate sigh. “Tristan, listen to me. I know you’ve got a thing for Scarlet and, trust me man, I get it. You don’t want her to die and yada, yada, yada, but what you’re thinking about doing is insane.”
“Just tell me if it will work.” Tristan said.
“I don’t really feel comfortable with you—“
“Will it work, Nate?” Tristan’s voice rose. He waited in silence for his old friend to answer.
Nate swallowed so loudly Tristan heard him through the phone. “Yes. Yes, given the right weapon…it will work.”
Tristan inhaled. “Then I’m going to need your help finding that weapon.”
“Good morning!” Scarlet called out to her guardian, Laura, as she made her way into the kitchen. Laura was sitting at the dining room table sipping her morning coffee and reading the newspaper.
According to Heather, Laura looked like Jessica Rabbit—a sexy cartoon woman Scarlet had never heard of. But with her long red hair and big doe eyes, Laura could easily pass for a sultry cartoon character.
Despite her Jessica Rabbit appearance, Laura was a no-nonsense independent woman. She was incredibly successful and, from the looks of the massive two-story house they shared, wealthy.
Ever since Laura had taken Scarlet in, she’d tried to buy Scarlet a normal life. Clothes, shoes, music, movies, a car…there was nothing Laura wouldn’t get for Scarlet.
Unfortunately, all the shoes in the world couldn’t bring Scarlet’s memories back.
She appreciated Laura’s efforts, though. Without Laura, Scarlet wouldn’t have a sense of family. And for that, she would love her forever.
As Scarlet moved about the kitchen, she smiled to herself. Her date with Gabriel had renewed her. As if he had awakened a part of her old self—something deep inside her.
Something happy.
The reality of the night before was still sinking in.
She’d kissed a boy. She’d kissed a hot boy. On the lips and everything. And it didn’t feel weird or gross. It felt…almost perfect.
Scarlet’s smile grew bigger.
Laura raised a suspicious eyebrow. “You’re up early.”
Scarlet had risen earlier than usual, too excited to sleep soundly. Her mind had raced with thoughts of Gabriel and kissing all night long, keeping her from any deep sleep and putting her in a fantastic mood.
“I know,” Scarlet sang back at Laura.
Laura looked at Scarlet over her coffee cup. “Who are you and what have you done with Scarlet?”
“What? I’m not allowed to be giddy in the morning?”
Laura put down her cup. “I’m assuming your date went well, then?”
Heather had excitedly told Laura all about Scarlet’s “big date” the day before.
“So well,” Scarlet said.
“Ooh. Tell me more.” Laura leaned back in her chair with a smile, her attention completely on Scarlet.
“He’s dreamy, Laura. Like, beautiful and sweet and funny. He’s got dark hair and these killer eyes. Ah!” Scarlet closed her eyes and smiled.
“And?” Laura asked, smiling.
Scarlet opened her eyes. “What do you mean ‘and’?”
Laura laughed. “I mean, and what else? You’re too happy for him to have just been sweet and dreamy and handsome. What aren’t you telling me?”
Scarlet bit her lip. “We totally kissed.”
Laura made a cooing sound. “I knew it! And was it spectacular?”
“Ah, I’m so jealous!”
Scarlet rolled her eyes.
Laura didn’t have a husband or boyfriend, but not for lack of interest. Men were constantly following her around and asking her out. Laura insisted her reluctance to date was due to all the traveling she did for work. She went to Europe every few weeks on business trips and argued that no relationship could survive the travel and long hours of her job.
Apparently, when it came to choosing love or work, Laura chose work.
“So, what’s his story?” Laura put her elbow on the table and rested her chin in her hand.
Scarlet couldn’t help but smile. “He’s seventeen. He’ll be a senior at Avalon this year. He just moved here from New York with his family. He hates snakes. He likes reality TV. And he smells like mint. And did I mention he’s gorgeous?”
Laura sighed. “He does sound dreamy. What’s his name?”
Scarlet cocked her head to the side. “Heather didn’t tell you his name yesterday?”
Laura shook her head with a smile. “No, she just said ‘this dark-haired Greek god asked Scarlet out’. So, I just assumed his name was Zeus or Apollo or something.”
Scarlet laughed. “Uh, no. His name is Gabriel…Gabriel Archer.”
For a quick moment, Scarlet thought she saw something flash in Laura’s eyes. Recognition, maybe? Awareness? But it was gone in an instant.
Did Laura and Gabriel know each other?
Scarlet cleared her throat. “Do you know him?”
“No. Not yet,” Laura said convincingly. “But, hopefully, you’ll introduce me to him soon.”
Certain she must have misread what she saw in Laura’s eyes, Scarlet said, “Don’t get crazy. We’re not dating or anything.”
“Right.” Laura smiled.
A moment passed before Laura rose from the table. “Okay, I’ve gotta get to work.” She grabbed her workbag and stepped into a pair of heels that were too tall and sexy for a ‘business professional’ dress code.
But that was Laura; the corporate Jessica Rabbit.
“Have a good day,” Laura said.
“I will,” Scarlet called after her.
Scarlet sighed to herself, thinking again about her kiss with Gabriel. She was definitely going to have a good day.
A week later, Scarlet went on another date with Gabriel.
To the forest.
“Where are we going?” Scarlet asked with a smile, ducking under a tree branch Gabriel had lifted for her. It was nearly dusk, the summer sky glowing orange and pink, as Scarlet followed Gabriel deeper into the woods outside of town.
“It’s a surprise,” Gabriel said with a secretive smile, adjusting one strap of the backpack he wore.
Still smiling, Scarlet rolled her eyes, “A surprise?”
“Is the surprise the forty-five minute hike through the forest on a sticky summer day?”
He laughed. “Are you complaining?”
“Maybe. It depends on the surprise. And whether or not I get eaten by a bear. Or an army of mosquitoes.”
She wasn’t complaining at all. In fact, she was excited.
No boy had ever taken her on a surprise date before.
“I promise you, the surprise will be well worth the mosquito bites that you don’t have.” He smiled at her pointedly.
Scarlet had yet to be bitten by a mosquito. Or a bear.
The wind blew through the trees and swirled around them as they walked on. The day had been hot, but the setting sun was taking most of the mugginess with it and ushering in the cool breeze of night.
Ten minutes, and a brilliant purple sky later, they arrived at a cluster of trees and Gabriel stopped.
“Okay.” He turned to look at her with a smile. “This is your surprise.”
Scarlet eyed the trees before her. “A…wall of pine trees?”
“Yes.” He smiled. “I thought we’d get an early start on shopping for Christmas trees.”
Scarlet laughed. “What?”
He laughed and shook his head. “Close your eyes.”
Scarlet hesitated, biting back her smile.
“Come on…” Gabriel prompted.
“But what about the bears?”
Gabriel raised his eyebrows. “Did you coat yourself in honey before we left?”<
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“No, but I did roll around in sugar water.”
“Hmm.” Gabriel tried to sound serious. “Well, that explains the mosquitoes.”
Scarlet laughed.
“Come on.” Gabriel gently placed his hand over her eyes. “Close your eyes.”
Scarlet sighed with a smile and lowered her lids. “I’m trusting you.”
She felt him kiss her cheek. “You can always trust me.”
With a smile, Scarlet thought about how much she really did trust Gabriel, and how comfortable she was around him. She’d only known him for a short time but he just felt...right.
After she heard some shuffling, Scarlet felt Gabriel’s strong arms come behind her and guide her forward, weaving her through the wall of trees. A few yards later, they came to a stop.
Scarlet listened as a bird sang out the last song of day. Leaves rustled, the wind whistled softly, and somewhere nearby was the gentle slapping of…water?
“Okay,” came Gabriel’s musical voice from behind her. “Open your eyes.”
Scarlet opened her eyes and her lips parted.
She stood at the edge of a large lake, surrounded by the majestic trees of the forest swaying peacefully in the twilight sky. And on the horizon was the enormous Harvest Moon, hung low in the sky and glowing a rusty orange as it shone its soft light across the smooth surface of the lake.
It looked unreal.
“Do you like it?” Gabriel stood beside her, taking it in.
From the corner of her eye, she saw Gabriel smile. “Surprise.”
The first stars of night began to peek out from the purple sky above as Scarlet said, “Totally worth the mosquito bites.”
Gabriel softly laughed. “Okay, now time for dinner.”
“Yep. Well, it’s really more like a picnic since, you know, we can’t get pizza delivered out here.” Gabriel swung his backpack off and unzipped it. He pulled out a large blanket, sandwiches, and bottled water. He spread the blanket out on the dry shore of the lake, smoothed out the wrinkles and motioned to Scarlet. “Dinner is served.”
Scarlet smiled widely. A picnic under the stars, against the giant moon, at the edge of a serene lake?