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His very real, very existent heart.
And so it begins.
Late Saturday afternoon, Scarlet stood in her bra and underwear making a face at herself in her bedroom mirror, while Heather rummaged around in Scarlet’s closet. Heather had demanded Scarlet “not move” until she found the perfect outfit.
But that was ten minutes ago.
“You know it’s a Kissing Festival, not a Naked Festival, right? I’m gonna have to wear clothes, Heather.” Despite the summer sun setting through her bedroom window, Scarlet shivered.
Heather’s voice came muffled from behind the many clothes Laura had bought Scarlet when she first took custody of her. “Keep your pants on! I’m trying to create a masterpiece here!”
“I would be more than happy to keep my pants on but, oh, that’s right, I don’t have any pants on.”
Heather’s perfectly shadowed eyes and glossy lips poked out from Scarlet’s walk-in closet. “Do you want to look fabulous, or do you want to look like curtains?”
“I want to be warm. At least throw me a bathrobe, or a parka, or a mink coat or something.”
“Oh, honey, I would not be surprised if I found a mink coat in here. Shoot, I wouldn’t be surprised if I found a whole mink in here.” A moment of silence passed as Heather looked within the depths of Scarlet’s ridiculously over-sized closet. She poked her face out again. “What is a mink, anyway? Is it, like, a woodland creature or something?”
Scarlet shot Heather an impatient look. “I have no idea, but I bet a mink could pick out an outfit faster than you.”
Heather disappeared into the sea of clothes again and muttered, “I doubt it. You have more clothes than me. And I earn a paycheck solely to support my shopping habits.”
Heather worked at The Millhouse, a local coffee shop, and hosted a let’s-buy-Heather-more-clothes shopping trip every payday.
Scarlet shivered again and decided to charge into her wardrobe and find her own attire. She padded over to the double-doors of her closet and, literally, ran into Heather.
“Hey-hey! Get back to your mirror.” Heather had her hands full of shirts and shorts and belts and…a swim suit?
Scarlet eyed Heather’s booty. “I’m not wearing a swimsuit.”
“Relax, it’s for me. I’m borrowing it.”
“Ah.” Scarlet nodded. “I see.”
“These,” Heather handed Scarlet a pair of jean shorts and a soft, faded, blue t-shirt, “are for you. I chose blue to match your eyes. You have killer eyes. Okay, the look we’re going for tonight is Cute And Casual.”
Scarlet smiled. “Excellent. You can go home, I know how to do Cute And Casual.”
“No.” Heather shook her head. “No, you don’t. You think you can do Cute And Casual…but I’ve seen you try it and it just comes out looking….” Heather tapped her chin with a shiny fingernail. “Lazy.”
Scarlet huffed. “I am not a lazy dresser. Yesterday, I spent ten minutes picking out my outfit.”
“Yesterday you wore the baggy shirt.”
Scarlet puckered her lips. “Good point.”
Heather rolled her eyes. “That is why I should be here every time you get dressed. I’m talking, first thing in the morning, seven days a week. Even if you’re not going anywhere that day, I should still supervise your outfit choices.”
Scarlet laughed as she climbed into her comfortable shorts and pulled the cozy shirt on. “Okay, you do that.”
Heather bustled about Scarlet’s room, setting up a vanity area to do makeup. “Come, sit down. We have twenty minutes to make you stunning for the Greek god.”
“Please. Gabriel probably won’t be there.”
But, oh, how she hoped he would be. She wanted to hear his voice again.
“Well, then, I’m going to pretty you up for any other Greek gods that might strike up a convo with you while I’m off kissing boys. Now sit down and behave.”
Scarlet played along and sat in front of Heather, who was armed with a makeup brush, a powder tray of some sort, and a no-nonsense attitude. Scarlet tried not to cough or sneeze while powder went all over her face and tickled her nose.
“So,” Heather switched the powder out for eye shadow, “lover boy didn’t give you any details about his life last night. Therefore, our objective tonight is to find out who he is.”
Scarlet tried not to squeeze her eyelids closed as Heather stabbed them with tiny brush bristles.
Heather continued, “You know, get to know the real Gabriel—what did you say his last name was?”
“Gabriel Archer?” Heather rolled her eyes. “Geez, even his name is hot.” She moved to Scarlet’s lips and started commanding Scarlet to do things like, “Say ahh” and “Make an ‘O’ face” and “Don’t smile.”
“If Gabriel Archer shows up at the Kissing Festival tonight, I’ve got a whole list of questions for him. Starting with: does he have a brother?”
Scarlet rolled her eyes. “You are so boy crazy.”
“And proud of it!” Heather finished with Scarlet’s lips and started messing with her dark hair. Several minutes and lots of tugging later, Heather was finished hair. “Voila! You look beautiful. You are well-dressed and not drape-like. I have succeeded.”
Scarlet looked at herself in the mirror. The makeup was a little much, but her hair and outfit were…cute. “Thanks, Heather.”
“Anytime.” Heather replied. “And when I say ‘anytime’ what I mean is all the time. Like, daily.”
Scarlet shook her head. “Whatever, let’s just go.”
The girls headed to the town center just as night fell.
The second night of the festival, Gabriel stood at the edge of the park watching Scarlet and Heather approach the Kiss Walk. The Kiss Walk was basically a giant game of musical chairs, but without the chairs. Like a Cake Walk. But instead of a cake, the winner received free kisses at the kissing booths.
Although the people of Avalon were friendly and sincere, Gabriel wasn’t particularly crazy about the town itself. It was a simple place, quaint and quiet, with low crime rates and high turnouts for community events—obviously—but it was small.
Gabriel preferred his cities big, loud, and bright. Not because he had an appetite for chaos, but because he’d been around the world, and slow-paced life just wasn’t his thing.
Scarlet Jacobs, however, was his thing.
Thanks to the endless crowd of people passing before him, Gabriel was able to watch the girls at the Kiss Walk for a minute without being spotted.
Heather, looking like a 1950s Barbie doll with her blond hair in a ponytail and a pair of tiny red shorts fitted to her body, seemed eager to play; while Scarlet folded her arms and stood off to the side.
Typical Scarlet. So stubborn.
With a smile, Gabriel inhaled and examined her. Even after all these years, she still took his breath away.
Was he a hopeless romantic?
But he didn’t care.
He let his mind wander to a time long ago, when he was constantly surrounded by her laughter and playfulness. A time when she would tease him and run her hands through his hair.
A better time than now.
Scarlet and Tristan were affected by the curse, but the curse itself was directed at Gabriel. He was cursed to be without love.
He could never love or be loved by anyone other than Scarlet. Which wouldn’t be so bad—if she wasn’t doomed to die. In fact, loving Scarlet for the rest of his life sounded like heaven.
If only he could keep her alive….
The curse needed to be broken.
Would Tristan’s plan work?
Probably not.
But was Gabriel going to stand in Tristan’s way?
Because, deep down, Gabriel was grateful for Tristan’s lack of humanity. If killing someone in Scarlet’s place really could undo the curs
e, then Gabriel was glad Tristan had no qualms about taking an innocent life.
Gabriel, however, did have qualms.
So, no killing sprees for him.
He watched Scarlet bite her lip as she looked about the park. She was amazing.
Flawed and soulful and…lovely.
Everything about her was fragile and perfect.
He stepped into Scarlet’s line of sight and waited for her to see him. When her eyes found his, she smiled.
She was beautiful.
He smiled as he approached her. “Hey.”
“Hey.” Her blue eyes sparkled. “I’m glad you came.”
“Me, too.”
He looked over to where Heather was arguing with a Kiss Walk judge. “What’s going on over there?”
“They won’t let Heather play because the game already started. She’s trying to sweet-talk her way in.”
Heather trotted back over to where they stood. “Well!” she said, huffing and puffing. “That was pointless. No free kisses for me, I guess.”
“What are you talking about?” Scarlet raised an eyebrow. “People are handing out free kisses everywhere. Just go kiss some stranger.”
“I’m over kissing strangers. I want to kiss the hot guys at the kissing booths.” Heather looked at Gabriel and put on a brilliant smile. “Hello Gabriel. So nice to see you again.” She went up on her tiptoes and kissed both his cheeks.
Gabriel reciprocated the kisses, smelling her vanilla perfume.
“Ooh!” Heather’s eyes lit up. “Kiss Cakes!”
Gabriel followed her gaze and spied a white tent with red stars hanging from the top.
“Kiss Cakes?” he repeated, looking at Scarlet.
“Yeah, they’re like cupcakes, but shaped like lips.”
“And waaaay better,” Heather said. “Let’s get some.”
Gabriel followed the girls to the tent and snuck a glance at Scarlet. She was so small and delicate. He wanted to wrap her in his arms.
If only she remembered him. If only she would instantly remember everything. Maybe then she would smile and laugh and they could live happily ever after or whatever.
Maybe if he told her the truth….
Gabriel thought about explaining Scarlet’s history to her. Giving her all the bloody details and trying to put a positive spin on the whole curse thing.
He would rather let her live a day longer without being under the umbrella of impending death. The curse was cruel and unfair, and Gabriel wanted to protect her from her fate for as long as possible.
They reached the tent and he snagged each of them a Kiss Cake.
“So, Gabriel,” Heather began as he passed out the cakes. “Scarlet says you’re from New York. Which part?”
He took a bite of his Kiss Cake and examined the blond Barbie lookalike as he swallowed his bite. “The city.”
“What’s the city like?” Scarlet asked.
Gabriel smiled. “It’s loud. Nonstop craziness and noise. But it’s full of opportunities and interesting people. There’s always something going on, never a dull moment.”
Heather sighed. “That sounds heavenly.”
Scarlet scrunched her adorable nose. “That sounds like a headache.”
Gabriel laughed. Scarlet had never liked big cities. She’d always preferred quiet places where time moved slowly.
Places like Avalon.
“Yeah,” he said, smiling at Scarlet. “New York isn’t for everyone.”
“So, why did you move here?” Heather took a bite of her cake.
Gabriel took a moment to think. He needed a plausible excuse to be in Avalon, something to hold him over until the curse was broken and he could tell Scarlet the truth.
“Family business.” It was a good answer. A safe answer.
“Really? What kind of business is your family in?” Scarlet watched him over the frosting of her Kiss Cake.
“History.” He nodded, hoping his answer was sufficient.
“What kind of history?”
Not sufficient enough.
“Just, you know, general history.” He really should have thought through his back-story before coming tonight. He didn’t want to sound like an idiot.
Heather raised her brows. “Your family is in the business of general history? Wow. That’s…vague.” She pursed her lips and looked at him sharply. “Care to elaborate?”
Gabriel had a feeling the Barbie was going to be a problem.
“Ignore Heather. She’s nosey.” Scarlet rolled her eyes before turning them to Gabriel. “Was it hard to leave New York?”
“A little. I love the city and the lights and the craziness. But I was excited to move here. It’s getting better.”
“So, you’re not gonna elaborate on the family business?” Heather narrowed her eyes. “Is it, like, import and export stuff? Are you guys drug dealers? Are you part of the mob?”
Yep, Barbie was definitely going to be an issue.
“Heatherrrrr.” Scarlet shot a warning look at her friend. “Rude.”
“Uh, no,” Gabriel said. “To all of that. We don’t do anything illegal, if that’s what you’re asking.”
At least not yet.
Tristan was planning on murdering someone, though, so the crime-free family name would soon be tarnished.
Stupid, evil Tristan and his “plan.”
“Huh.” Heather stared at him, as if trying to gauge how trustworthy he was. “Well, I certainly hope not. For your sake.”
Gabriel smiled.
Heather was a little annoying, but he liked her.
Her questions were obnoxious and she was probably going to make it difficult for him to get to know Scarlet, but he appreciated her skepticism.
She was quick. And protective of Scarlet.
“Okay, I think we’re done interrogating the new guy,” Scarlet said, tossing a dirty look at Heather and an apologetic smile at Gabriel.
Heather smiled. “Right. Totally. Sorry about that.” She laughed lightly. “One last question, though….” Her smiled deepened. “Do you have any brothers?”
“Why?” Immediately, Gabriel regretted responding so fast.
He should have waited a beat.
He should have just said no.
Scarlet’s eyes widened as she kicked Heather’s shoe. “Seriously?”
Heather ignored Scarlet and answered Gabriel. “Uh…because I’m in the market for a gorgeous boy to be my cereal toy. So...do you?”
Cereal toy?
Gabriel blinked a few times. “No,” he said. “No brothers.”
Heather studied him a moment before saying, “That’s too bad.”
“Ye-ah.” Scarlet said, finishing her Kiss Cake and saving Gabriel from Heather’s scrutiny. “Let’s go do something else. Like, anything else. We can watch the Spin-The-Bottle tournament, for all I care. Let’s just go.” She yanked on Heather’s arm. “It’ll be fun. You too, Gabriel.” She smiled at him.
He loved her smile. “Lead the way.”
Gabriel followed Scarlet and Heather across the park to an open area as he thought.
He needed to gain Scarlet’s confidence. The sooner she trusted him, the easier everything would be.
Glancing down at their feet as they walked, Gabriel caught sight of Scarlet’s shoes. Or rather, the sketches she’d penned atop her shoes.
Sketches of a symbol that looked exactly like….
Gabriel blinked.
It couldn’t be.
Why? Of all the things in her past, why would she remember that?
Gabriel swallowed back his thudding heart and took a deep breath.
Now was not the time to worry about Scarlet’s selective memory. Right now, he’d worry about getting Scarlet to like him.
He took a deep breath as they came to a grassy spot where a Spin-The-Bottle tournament—set up like a poker tournament—was going strong.
raised her eyebrows. “Personally, I find it disturbing to watch senior citizens bet on who the best kisser at the table is.”
Gabriel watched the game for a moment with a crooked smile. “What, you don’t find it fascinating and sexy?”
Scarlet laughed. “I find it as sexy as the sidewalk dentist.”
Gabriel laughed back. Oh, how he’d missed her.
As the game continued, the feisty contestants became more and more entertaining. Who needed reality TV when you could go downtown and watch two little old ladies box one another over a WWII veteran named Jimmy?
When the game ended, the three of them walked together along Main Street. Stars dangled from trees and people kissed in greeting all along the road as music played loudly from the nearby bandstand.
Heather chatted endlessly about summer coming to a close and how school would soon begin and how very “lame” that was and blah, blah, blah.
Gabriel had just started tuning her out when she said, “So, Gabriel Archer,” her voice rose to adjust to the volume of the music, “how old are you?”
More questions. Awesome.
“Seventeen,” he answered.
“Really?” Heather raised an eyebrow at him. “You look older than that.”
Gabriel bit back a sigh.
Hanging out with Heather was definitely going to be a problem. She was too inquisitive. And while he appreciated that she interrogated people who entered Scarlet’s life, he couldn’t afford to be one of them.
“I get that a lot.” He gave her his best smile and turned to Scarlet. “You’ve been pretty quiet.”
Scarlet’s dark hair brushed against her small face as she tucked in a smile, “Have I? I guess it’s just been so noisy.”
It was then that Gabriel impulsively decided to ask her out.
It was risky. There was a possibility she’d say no.
Which would suck.
But Gabriel had waited a long time to be back in Scarlet’s life and he didn’t want to live one more minute without her.
Play it cool, don’t scare her off.
“Well.” Gabriel swallowed and tried to look as carefree as possible. “Maybe you and I could hang out sometime…someplace less noisy.” He shot her his most genuine smile and held his breath. “You know, just the two of us.”