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“But that doesn’t mean I have to date someone and get all attached.”
Heather nodded. “Yeah, it makes no sense for you to get involved with some random guy.”
“Exactly. No strings, no pressure.”
“I totally agree.” Heather wagged her eyebrows and stretched her arm out, displaying Freemont Park, the dead center of Avalon. “Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place. Booths full of hot boys you can kiss without any complications.”
Scarlet stopped walking and lifted her eyebrows.
The grassy park was lined with dozens of kissing booths. Twinkle lights draped back-and-forth between tall trees, making a canopy of stars above the red and pink tables below. People were lined up at each booth, applying lipstick and perfume as they readied for their purchased kisses.
Behind the booths stood a large white gazebo housing a group of musicians. As a love song filled the air, couples intertwined their bodies and swayed to the melody.
Here and there, children ran about wearing red hats and eating lip-shaped chocolates, while women waited impatiently for quickie makeovers under a flashy pink tent.
The park was littered with couples kissing behind trees and making out on park benches. And paper stars were everywhere; in trees, on the ground, above heads, inside mouths….
It was like Valentine’s Day.
On crack.
Scarlet looked at the kissing booths, shook her head, and smiled. “No way. You can do your spit-swapping thing and I’ll stay right here. I don’t feel like paying someone to stick their tongue down my throat.”
“They don’t French kiss you,” Heather said, smiling. “Unless you want them to.” She wagged her eyebrows again, pulling a short laugh from Scarlet.
“I’m still going to pass.”
Heather pouted her lips. “Pretty please?”
Scarlet shook her head. “Nope.”
Heather pouted for another moment, but Scarlet refused to give in.
“You’re no fun.” Heather straightened her hair, her bracelets jingling merrily. “I guess I’ll have to go without you.”
“I guess so.”
“But just so you know,” Heather pointed at Scarlet with one perfectly manicured fingernail and used her best authoritative voice, “I will get you to kiss—and I mean kiss—a hot boy this weekend. It will happen and you will like it.”
As she spun around and headed to the booths Scarlet smiled and called out after her, “Good luck with that!”
Heather’s only response was a flick of her hand.
Watching her friend walk away, Scarlet stood alone in the sea of kissing townsfolk and took a deep breath. The sun had completely disappeared from the sky, blanketing the park in a soft darkness contrasted by the many strands of tiny lights.
The warmth and stickiness of the summer day still clung to the night air as Scarlet let her eyes roam across the park.
The band beneath the gazebo switched from an upbeat song to a ballad.
Once again, her eyes caught sight of the black-shirted stranger and she felt the same stirring as before come to life in her chest.
This time the stranger was farther away, his gaze focused on the festivities rather than on Scarlet, giving her a moment to examine him privately.
There were no people near him; no one smearing kisses on him or dragging him beneath stars. His face still hidden in the shadows, he looked around the park.
He stood with confidence, his broad chest held high with his arms crossed in front. The dark hair escaping his hat curled a bit around his neck in the summer heat…reminding her of…something.
What was it?
She felt a memory inside her begin to rustle.
Suffocated and imprisoned, it struggled to break free. Maybe if she continued to stare at the stranger, it would surface….
He suddenly turned in Scarlet’s direction, and although she couldn’t see them, she was certain his was certain her eyes were fixed on hers.
She strained to see him more clearly.
Something about him was definitely familiar. As if the memory trapped within her was about him specifically.
Scarlet’s heart pounded as her mind started spinning. For a moment—for a wonderful split second—she felt as though she was close to unlocking the memory. That precious, lost treasure buried somewhere in the abyss of her mind.
She allowed her brain to tick and turn, roving her soul for something to grasp at.
It was there, she knew it. She could feel it.
It was piecing itself together…almost a complete thought…
So close…so close…almost there—
“A kiss and a treat?” came a cheerful voice next to Scarlet, interrupting her internal quest.
Just like that, the memory disappeared back into the oblivion of her mind.
Scarlet groaned inwardly. So close.
“Would you like a KissPop?” the voice asked. Scarlet glanced to the side to see a round woman with friendly eyes and rosy cheeks pushing a dessert cart. She held up a Popsicle shaped like a pair of lips.
Scarlet was really starting to hate the Kissing Festival.
“Uh, no thank you.” Scarlet tried to look friendly despite her frustration with the interruption. Once the cheery woman wheeled away, Scarlet glanced back to the stranger, hoping the sight of him would magically reignite her lost memory.
He stared at her for a long moment and Scarlet’s heart lifted at his gaze.
The memory peeked out from the depths of her brain again and her thoughts went wild in its pursuit.
Come on, I know you’re in there.
The boy in black continued to look upon her with his shining eyes.
Almost like he knew his presence sparked a memory for her. Like he was waiting for her to remember.
Like he was…challenging her.
Scarlet took a step forward. Maybe she would just walk over to him. Maybe she would introduce herself to him and see if he knew anything about her.
She took a few more steps. Maybe if she got close enough to see his face clearly—
“Leaving so soon?” This time, the voice was male and came from behind her.
Scarlet paused.
The voice at her back was familiar.
Beautifully, impossibly familiar. Reminiscent.
Almost perfect.
It wasn’t the voice of someone she’d met since waking up in Avalon.
It was a voice of the past. A voice she knew.
What is going on tonight? Why does everything suddenly seem so familiar?
Scarlet let her gaze linger on the boy in black for a moment before turning around to see the keeper of the familiar voice, fully expecting a surge of memories to rush to her head.
But no.
There was no flash of memory, no sudden burst of enlightenment.
There was no instant recognition or flood of relief.
There was, however, a really gorgeous guy standing in front of her. Possibly the most attractive person she’d ever seen.
Wearing a blue shirt and a disarming smile, he looked to be a little older than Scarlet. His dark hair, square jaw, and deep brown eyes complimented the tan skin that wrapped around his broad frame flawlessly.
He was smiling at her. Waiting.
She blinked a few times. “What?”
His smile deepened, revealing two adorable dimples, as he took a step toward her. “You looked like you were about to leave.”
Scarlet looked over to where the boy in black had been but, once again, he’d disappeared. “Oh.” She shook her head, bringing herself back to the conversation. “No, I…I wasn’t leaving.”
“Well, in that case,” the beautiful boy said, holding out his hand, “I’m Gabriel. Kissing Festival virgin and reality TV fan. I like long walks on the beach and hate waking up before noon.”
Scarlet smiled, both grateful and disappointed he chose to greet her with a handshake instead of a kiss—what is wrong with me? She took his hand. “I’m Scarlet.
Kissing Festival protester and avid coffee-drinker. I like to draw and I’m not a morning person either.”
“I like you already,” Gabriel said as they shook hands.
His hand felt cool and dry in the warmth of the summer night and he flashed his dimples at her.
She tucked her lips in and pressed down, suddenly rethinking the baggy green shirt.
They ended their handshake and Gabriel shoved his hands into the front pockets of his perfectly-fitting jeans.
“So, you’re not a fan of the festival?” he asked with a sparkle in his eyes. “Too many guys to fend off?”
“Uh, no. It’s not the ‘guys’ I’m worried about. It’s the whole town. Everyone is so..,” Scarlet tried to think of a nicer word than “wacky”.
Gabriel prompted, “Happy? In love? Giddy?”
“Yes. It’s so weird,” Scarlet said. “I came last year, and vowed never to return again. But my best friend shamelessly begged me to come and I totally caved. And now I’m surrounded by,” Scarlet gestured to the crowd in the park, “all these love-sick goobers.”
Gabriel laughed. “Yeah, I hate love-sick goobers. They’re so happy and annoying and pleasant…always trying to be nice and friendly.” He rolled his eyes dramatically. “It’s so irritating.”
Scarlet smiled. “Shut up.”
“So, why did you vow never to return? Was it the dentist guy? Because that’s totally understandable.”
Scarlet laughed. “You saw him too? He’s creepy, right?” She smiled to herself. Something about talking to this guy made her feel lighthearted. Refreshed.
“Totally.” Gabriel gave a fake shudder, making her laugh.
She answered, “No, actually, I didn’t want to come back because last year I watched the kissing relay games and nearly threw up. That’s why I tried my very hardest to stay at home tonight.”
“And when you say your ‘very hardest’, you’re referring to your complete lack of resolve when caving to your best friend, correct?”
Scarlet nodded. “Precisely.”
Gabriel laughed. “I like you Scarlet…?” he prompted for her last name.
“Jacobs.” Although he was a complete stranger, Gabriel made her feel safe and, for some reason, Scarlet instinctively trusted him.
Which was probably dumb.
But she couldn’t help herself. Something about him made her feel…normal.
And so help her, Scarlet wanted to feel normal.
“Scarlet Jacobs,” he said, thinking it over. “I like it.”
“And yours is…?” she asked.
Gabriel smiled slowly, waiting a beat as if deciding how to answer. “Archer,” he said, eyeing her closely. “Gabriel Archer.”
Scarlet tilted her head to the side, wishing the name meant something to her in the same way his musical voice had.
But no.
“So,” he said, looking around with mock seriousness. “Where’s this conniving best friend of yours? I’d like to congratulate her on suckering you into attending this absurd festival of love and happiness.”
Scarlet smiled as she pointed to where Heather stood in line at one of the many kissing booths.
“Ah,” he said, nodding. “She looks like a love-sick goober. She looks happy.”
Scarlet smiled.
Heather was happy. Happy and bubbly and excited about everything. And beautiful in that Miss America way every girl envied.
She was nothing like Scarlet.
Heather was loud, outgoing, fashion-savvy, and girly.
While Scarlet was quiet, sarcastic, not interested jewelry and dressed like a boy.
But their friendship worked.
As different as they were, Scarlet felt more bonded to Heather than anyone else she’d met since waking up in Avalon.
Because Heather accepted Scarlet. Amnesia and all.
They’d met two summers ago at the mall, a few weeks before sophomore year began. Laura had taken Scarlet to buy a new wardrobe—since Scarlet’s slumber party in the woods hadn’t exactly come with a closet full of clothes—and had left Scarlet in charge of picking out her own attire.
Shopping nearby, Heather had seen Scarlet eyeing a pair of loose jeans and had immediately interjected herself into Scarlet’s life as her personal shopper.
Soon after they became close friends.
When Scarlet first told Heather about her amnesia, Heather had freaked out.
Not in the expected O-M-G-you’re-a-weirdo kind of way, but in an O-M-G-this-sounds-like-a-movie way.
She spent months talking nonstop about finding Scarlet’s parents, starting a ‘Who is Scarlet Jacobs’ fund, and doing DNA testing to see if Scarlet was from a different planet.
It was obnoxious.
Sweet, in an overbearing, obsessive-friend way, but obnoxious.
Heather thought it was “cool” Scarlet didn’t have a past. She was convinced Scarlet had been a government spy who’d had her memory erased in order to ensure the safety of the world.
Because Heather was a drama queen.
But it was easier for Scarlet to play along with Heather’s ridiculous government theory than it had been to wallow in self-pity. Heather had been a welcome distraction.
In a way, she’d saved Scarlet’s life. Or at least, her emotional well-being. She’d given Scarlet something to laugh about and a friendship to believe in.
She’d given Scarlet hope.
She was bright and sunny and full of positivity. Sometimes it was annoying, but most of the time, Scarlet needed it. She valued Heather’s role in her life and respected her a great deal.
Even though, at that very moment, Heather was paying to kiss a boy.
“Yeah,” Scarlet continued, as she watched Heather apply more lip gloss at the kissing booth. “She is definitely happy.”
A moment of silence hung between Gabriel and Scarlet. She shuffled her feet, unsure of how to continue their conversation. “So, this is your first Kissing Festival?”
Gabriel ran a hand through his dark hair. “Yeah.”
“What do you think?” Scarlet smiled and raised a brow.
“Honestly?” He gave a crooked smile and shrugged. “I think it’s…charming.”
Not the word Scarlet would have chosen.
He nodded. “Yeah, it’s…I don’t know…nice. Everyone being friendly and positive. People dancing and laughing. It’s…refreshing. Sometimes the world is a cold place but this…this is nice. It’s warmhearted.” He smiled as he looked about the park.
Scarlet wrinkled her brow. “I guess so….” Up until that moment, Scarlet hadn’t seen any upside to a town full of affectionate neighbors. She’d only seen a city of people using an old war tradition as an excuse to make out with the hot checkout girl from the grocery store. But come to think of it….
Scarlet looked around at some of the happy couples nearby; whispering in each other’s ears, playfully kissing beneath paper stars, sharing lip-shaped popsicles. The bright twinkle lights glowed above the dancers while love songs floated into the air….
It was kinda sweet.
“I guess, you’re right. It’s sorta…pleasant. All the love and flirting.” Scarlet looked around again and spied an elderly couple feeding each other chocolate candies.
She leaned to the right, accidently brushing arms with Gabriel, and her insides sparked at his touch. Scarlet blushed and immediately repositioned herself so there was space between them.
They watched the park crowd without speaking as she waited for the heat that had flooded her face to subside.
Gabriel cleared his throat.
“Free Lover’s Lemonade!” A woman wearing a pink sundress walked past them carrying a tray of pink lemonade.
She handed each of them a cup and moved on.
Gabriel looked at the cup, and then gave Scarlet another crooked smile. “Wanna walk around with me?”
Scarlet hesitated.
His eyes looked playful. “I promise to protect you f
rom the sidewalk dentist.”
Scarlet tucked her lips in, trying not to smile.
Was she totally crushing on a complete stranger?
Yes, she was.
“Sure,” she said.
For a minute, they strolled in silence, crossing the grassy park while observing the dancers and merchants and kissers. Scarlet took a sip of her lemonade and welcomed the ice-cold liquid sliding down her throat.
“So, tell me about yourself, Scarlet.” Gabriel said. “I mean, I already know about your love for coffee and sleeping in—which makes you awesome, by the way—but what else?”
She inhaled deeply, thinking of where to start.
Well, two years ago I was abandoned in a forest outside of town and then taken into custody by this pretty woman named Laura, who gave me a home so I could have a normal life and go to high school. Oh, and, I have amnesia. You know. Same ol’, same ol’.
Yeah, probably not the best way to keep Gabriel around. Instead, Scarlet decided to go with the random-facts-about-yourself answer.
“Well…I speak Spanish,” she said.
One of the few perks of having amnesia was that, every once in a while, Scarlet would uncover a hidden talent.
Like Spanish.
She’d discovered her mastery of the language last year.
“That’s cool,” he said, sucking down his drink.
“Also,” Scarlet took another sip of her drink. “I’ll be a senior at Avalon High this year. And I love ice cream. What about you? Who is Gabriel Archer?”
He laughed. “Well, that could take me all night to explain. The short answer? I just moved here from New York. I’m a fan of this pink lemonade,” he took a sip, “and I don’t like snakes.”
Scarlet nodded.
“But I do like this festival.”
Scarlet nodded. “Right, because of all the love and positivity and goobers.”
He smiled. “Among other things.”
Scarlet smiled and kept her eyes on her decorated shoes as they strolled along.
Their walk slowed to a standstill and, suddenly, Scarlet was very aware of how close they stood to one another. She looked up and saw paper stars dangling from the tree above.
Something akin to panic shot through Scarlet.
Why did Georgia have to have so many trees?